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The PeopleТs Budget recognizes that in order to compete, our nation needs every American to be productive, and in order to be productive we need to raise our skills to meet modern needs. Our Budget Eliminates the Deficit and Raises a $31 Billion Surplus In Ten Years Our budget protects Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and responsibly eliminates the deficit by targeting its main drivers: the Bush Tax Cuts, the wars overseas, and the causes and effects of the recent recession. Our Budget Puts America Back to Work & Restores AmericaТs Competitiveness Х Trains teachers and restores schools; rebuilds roads and bridges and ensures that users help pay for them Х Invests in job creation, clean energy and broadband infrastructure, housing and R&D programs Our Budget Creates a Fairer Tax System Х Ends the recently passed upper-income tax cuts and lets Bush-era tax cuts expire at the end of 2012 Х Extends tax credits for the middle class, families, and students Х Creates new tax brackets that range from 45% starting at $1 million to 49% for $1 billion or more Х Implements a progressive estate tax Х Eliminates corporate welfare for oil, gas, and coal companies; closes loopholes for multinational corporations Х Enacts a financial crisis responsibility fee and a financial speculation tax on derivatives and foreign exchange Our Budget Protects Health Х Enacts a health care public option and negotiates prescription payments with pharmaceutical companies Х Prevents any cuts to Medicare physician payments for a decade Our Budget Safeguards Social Security for the Next 75 Years Х Eliminates the individual Social Security payroll cap to make sure upper income earners pay their fair share Х Increases benefits based on higher contributions on the employee side Our Budget Brings Our Troops Home Х Responsibly ends our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to leave America more secure both home and abroad Х Cuts defense spending by reducing conventional forces, procurement, and costly R&D programs Our BudgetТs Bottom Line Х Deficit reduction of $5.6 trillion Х Spending cuts of $1.7 trillion Х Revenue increase of $3.9 trillion Х Public investment $1.7 trillion Further Links The PeopleТs Budget Online: http://www.thepeoplesbudget.org Official CPC executive summary: http://grijalva.house.gov/uploads/The%20CPC%20FY2012%20Budget.pdf WXФ ф ┴ ╪  e g и к 3▌╥Ї║╙aoїъ▀╫╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧─╧└h╫$gh╫$g5БCJ\БaJh╫$gCJaJh╫$gCJ aJ h╫$g6БCJ ]БaJ h╫$g5БCJ2\БaJ2h╫$ghMX$CJaJVXУ Ф └ ┴ ╫ ╪ ▄▌╤╥╣║`a ¤°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°єєєєєєєgd╫$ggd╫$g¤,1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░░╨░╨ Р╨ЖЬ@@ё @ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAЄ бD Default Paragraph FontRiє │R  Table NormalЎ4╓ l4╓aЎ (kЇ ┴(No ListV■Oё ЄV ╫$gDefault 7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH      VXУФ└┴╫╪▄▌╤╥╣║` a   Ш0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААX╥ кС0АкС0А▀?ФкС0А     п╢─P░╢t4▒╢ФP▓╢№P11 '88 9*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАplaceАB*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАcountry-regionА Мц ╫┘Ўo r  333   хMX$╫$g╓Mф<ы @А~[ @@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial"ёМЁ╨hГ▒ЗФ▒ЗУ▒ЗАПАП!Ёа┤┤ББ24 2ГЁKX)Ё ?ф                     ╫$g2  BWILPF Web Revised Link #4 [One Page Handout - The People's Budget]Laurie FunaroffLaurie Funaroff■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0╠Шаь°(8 P\ | И Ф ам┤╝─фDWILPF Web Revised Link #4 [One Page Handout - The People's Budget]Laurie FunaroffNormalLaurie Funaroff2Microsoft Office Word@0@║шW.═@Z┤,═@м{.═АП■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0, hp|ДМФ Ьдм┤ ╝ ф ' CWILPF Web Revised Link #4 [One Page Handout - The People's Budget] Title ■   ■   ■    !"#$%■   ¤   (■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Root Entry         └FAС.═*А1Table        WordDocument        .SummaryInformation(    DocumentSummaryInformation8            CompObj            q                        ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q