Finance Committee, Matt - Met today to discuss the 45 day limit on receipts. Have about $1,000 in our account, and Kim raised $105 selling shirts, Great Job!
Hospitality, De - Strategy Forum went well, donations of $5-10 collected with a total of $235, and great meals were provided.
24 Hour Working Group, Faygo - Great help provided at Monday's event, got some great footage, etc. Passed out tons of flyers for the Monsanto event. Police took some items in the night, including the camcorder, a few chairs, and other supplies, receipt for property went to Bob (though camcorder was not on the receipt). Police claimed that it was illegal storage, didn't get badge numbers. They've been real jerks recently. Faygo now has Ustream hooked up through his phone.
Communications Committee, Kim - Free light rail day passes are available for the upcoming Cesar Chavez march.
Old Business
Matt with Finance Committee Bylaw Changes - 1. Amend bylaw to require a quorum of 2 of the 3 board members in attendance to make expenditure decisions. 2. New bylaw that agreement of 2/3 of board members is required for expenditures. 3. New bylaw that board members must recuse themselves from decisions if the expenditures are for their own project. 4. Adding Kim's bylaw that you have 45 days to turn in receipts for any approved reimbursements. Note: there are more Finance Committee members than board members (those with names on bank account). Anne requests that every time the Committee plans to meet, they should meet (due to bailed meeting on busy day of Foreclosure march last week). Serious needs expressed for meetings on a regular basis and announced and friendly amendment suggested to make them regular. Maybe whoever calls the meeting should be present for at least 15 minutes at the time and place agreed to. Potential scheduling bylaw tabled for now, needs may not be best met with another bylaw. Four new bylaws passed 10 to 0.
New Business
Matt to Reimburse Leon for Strategy Forum - $250.68 mostly for food, drinks, water, napkins, coffee. Some $235 in donations from the event were deposited to the bank account, so very little of the cost needs money from outside the event. Is this an emergency? Yes. Passed as emergency 12 to 0.
Eric - If the group can organize collecting bottles and cans, Eric can pick them up periodically and take them to the recycling center.
Dave - Strategy Forum was excellent, good work everyone! Let's do it again soon.
Ralphie - Cesar Chavez march planning meeting tomorrow at 5:30 or 6pm, 1325 S St,
Laurie - Interactive teach-in on people's budget on April 7th from ~2:15-4:00. Looking for someone to live stream, maybe Faygo or Autumn. Budget written by 76 top progressive politicians bringing war, millionaires' tax, wall street trade tax, money for jobs here at home.
Faygo - 72 people arrested inside the capitol. One man asked to leave the property holding a sign about "Education Over Incarceration." The small army of police had to stand around all the horse manure for hours. Tons of excellent peaceful civil disobedience went down throughout the day, and a big thanks to all the legal observers. All of the riot police had armor covering all badge numbers and names. Took tons of great footage
Morgan - Got a nice quick interview with Gavin Newsom about the solutions he's most excited about, and it was pretty decent, check it out on
Dave - Values, visions, and priorities again this Saturday at 2pm. Please participate with us.
John - Reminded of SDS events in the 60s, but this time we'll remember!