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General Assembly Minutes February 4, 2024

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2024 10:01 pm
by Alex_Leach
Occupy Sacramento General Assembly Minutes

Saturday, February 4, 2024 4:15 p.m. PST
Location: City Hall Steps

Facilitator: Alex
Stack Taker: Matt
Minutes: Morgan
Video: Morgan

1. Comments during Welcome & Intro

De suggests posting the motions to be discussed on Facebook before each GA. Matt mentioned plans to track all the past and future motions within the public website, as OWS has done.

2. Committee & Working Group Report Backs

Michelle with Foreclosure Action Team has a ‘mic check’ event in planning, rehearsal will be at Freemont Park at 2pm on Sunday Feb 5.
Scott with the Finance Committee reminds that as passed at Wednesday’s GA, nominations for board positions will be accepted until Friday. Check for more info in the forums. Board members are responsible for bank transactions (credit union) and have their names on the account.

Kimberly on Communications Committee is still looking for ANY types of communication-related skills to boost this media team. Much focus has been on television, but Kim is also focusing on smaller newspapers.

Faygo on 24 Hour Working Group says Eddie and others have been spending a lot of time at the Occupy Farm. They could use some more flyers to pass out to folks they meet on the street. Trying to increase communication with other groups.
Tiffany on Non-Violent Communication Committee is still doing NVC teach-ins every other Wednesday (when the GA isn’t too long). Alex is also doing teach-ins every other Saturday.

Tiffany on GA Working Group is doing a GA teach-in this coming Wednesday after the GA, then alternating with NVC teach-ins.

3. Old Business

There was no old business this evening.

4. New Business

There was no new business this evening.

5. Announcements

Kim shows of awesome new flyer for VDAY (on Valentine’s Day) from 3-8pm, an event for gender equality. The final schedule is still changing, but flyers will be printed within the next couple days and it’ll also be on the website. She will be giving a teach-in on our “Rape Culture”. Workshops will happen on women and girls worldwide, being “Over It” (our current cultural values). Ryan will be giving a V-Men workshop to raise awareness on violence towards women and trying to end the trend. Organizations will have tables providing information, etc. One of the partner organizations for the event, Equality Action Now, will also be having a protest supporting gay marriage which we might get involved with. Dinner and dessert will be provided. Please come to this alternative to a typical Valentine’s Day!

Faygo is working with an artist to work on some more materials. Video about the farm is heading toward a YouTube near you. Bring any flyers you have to him so he can pass them out.

Tricia tried to float a tent again, but it didn’t quite work. Going to try it again and hopefully get it working for VDAY.

Morgan, Anne, and anyone else who wants to join, are going to the Torch Club after the GA for a bit of blues and beer.

Re: General Assembly Minutes February 4, 2024

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2024 10:34 pm
by MorganLesko
Hii Friends,
I'm sorry to report that my camera somehow corrupted the file for the video i took of the GA today :( Hasn't happened before, very weird. But luckily, i was also capturing audio we at least have that: