1/28/2012 GA Motions

All General Assembly minutes are posted here for your review.

1/28/2012 GA Motions

Postby mathiusdarcius » Mon Jan 30, 2024 1:38 pm

Matt Darcey
1/28/2012 GA Motion
All motions 1-5 are to be placed on old business for wednesday Feb 1st. NONE OF THESE MOTIONS have been ADOPTED by the GA as of 1/28/2012, that will be know on Wednesday FEB 1st, 2012 after they are voted on by the GA.

Motion 1: Establishing an Outreach Committee (passed) (passed 1/28/12) (Ratified 2/1/12)
Outreach Committee: Amy Anderson, Karen Bernal, Elizabeth la Plante, David Keenan, Nathan Sands, David Jacors

What, Where, When, How:
Establish an outreach committee within O.S. in Sacramento
Establish the outreach committee effective feb 1, 2024
Establish dir by convening the group of people referenced above and soliciting other members

What would change & how would the changes help Occupy Sacramento:
Establishing OutReach Committee,would help OS by maximizing the participation in and enable the forming of alliances with, locally, regionally and nationally based individuals or groups and to maximize the participation of these individuals and groups in O.S. activities.

Motion 2: (passed 1/28/12) (Ratified 2/1/12; Motion was amended edits pending)
Quick summary: the motion was changed to call for a full board election as well as requiring the board to take all steps necessary to regain full control over finances)
Financial Committee:

What, Where, When, How:
propose the election of a new financial committee member (3 minimum next GA or ASAP)

What would change & how would the changes help Occupy Sacramento:

Replace current standing committee members

Motion 3: (passed)(passed 1/28/12) (Ratified 2/1/12)
Outreach Working Group

What, Where, When, How:
Do we want to support occupy woodland & LCLAA by being included on the flyer for the annual Cesar Chavez march flyer. near the end of march

What would change & how would the changes help Occupy Sacramento:

show solidarity

Motion 4 : (passed 1/28/12) (withdrawn 2/1/12)
Coordinating working group

What, Where, When, How:
if the parks and rec department of the city of Sacramento try to barricade/block the access to Cesar Chavez plaza the local of occupy Sacramento. then those that wish can have a sit-in at the park. Ultimately what could happen is that demonstrators could be arrested in the park. The date of this will be established when and if blocks/barricades are put up in or around the park/plaza.

What would change & how would the changes help Occupy Sacramento:

nothing would change in occupy Sacramento except that if the parks and rec department of the city of sac try to barricade/block the park then protesters would be willing to stop the $90,000 project.

Motion 5: (passed 1/28/12) (Ratified 2/1/12)
Coordinating working group/ PR working group

What, Where, When, How:

On Feb 14 - in a couple of Tuesdays, it is Valentine's Day. In order to raise awareness about women's issues like rapes, domestic violence, I propose having women's events in the park. I have resisted a V-day event online for a vagina monologues reading. Potentially having a men's group event as well. I am contacting women groups/orgs in the community as well a the other V-day events rested online. I will contact women/mens/gender students professors to give a teach-in as well. I need help so peace talk to me after the GA for more info. Thank you

What would change & how would the changes help Occupy Sacramento:

help with men/women's issues that can work within occupy Sacramento.
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2024 9:13 pm

Re: 1/28/2012 GA Motions

Postby David » Wed Feb 01, 2024 12:32 am

Motions 1-5 were orally proposed, but the motions are not in the minutes.

Where are the motions?

Minutes need to be available at the next meeting for approval by the members that they are recording the actions of.

I would not vote to approve motions that were put in writing, but were not put in the minutes.

This seems to be the issue with the Urban Outreach / Outreach issue that was so contentious 1-28-12.

Can someone let me know where I can view these motions?-------I am guessing that the motions are the Who What When part that is part of the form that is used to make the proposal. Motion 1 is not clear to me as addressing how it amends the previous Outreach in bylaws or previous agreements. Where are the minutes of the meetings where that occured?

David Jacobs
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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2024 8:17 pm

Re: 1/28/2012 GA Motions

Postby occumama » Wed Feb 01, 2024 10:13 am

My apologies that this wasn't posted immediately after the ga. I thought it would be along with the minutes. Here is the motion. For your clarification, David, UO was never a committee, so we are not duplicating that committee, only expanding outreach and formalizing the outreach committee. Urban outreach can continue to autonomously work for OS>

General Assembly of Occupy Sacramento Resolution to Establish the “Out Reach Committee”

Whereas, in order to grow Occupy Sacramento (OS) and maximize the participation in, and form alliances with, locally, regionally and nationally based individual and groups and to maximize the participation of those individuals and groups in OS actions;

Whereas, in order to facilitate the participation of individuals and alliances with OS and perform the work necessary to ensure success of those efforts; and to coordinate those efforts with the other OS working groups/committees; while maintaining the integrity of OS’ accord with the principles and guidelines of OS and the Occupy Wall Street Declaration;

Whereas, currently no committee exists to assist OS or its members in the aforementioned manners;

Therefore, the OS General Assembly hereby re-establishes the Out Reach Committee and following bylaws on February 1, 2012, for the purpose of building a structured outreach effort in order to plan, coordinate and facilitate the outreach efforts of OS.

Procedures and Guidelines / Occupy Sacramento

January 28, 2024

ARTICLE I: Name, Purpose, and Associations

Section A. Name


Section B. Purpose

To act as an organization to coordinate activities and build alliances with organizations and individuals in solidarity with Occupy as a whole, OS in particular, coordinate with other OS working groups/committees and to reach out to other Occupies across the nation. To maintain and build upon the work and efforts of OS and the Occupy Movement in general and to support a structured Outreach effort in order to build and sustain the movement for the long haul and to gain support for OS actions.
Section C. Associations

This Committee is associated exclusively with OS, which is associated with the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Section D. Structure

A committee of the whole, open to all members of OS.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section A. Members

Committee members must agree to uphold the goals and principles of the organization as outlined by the OWS
Declaration and OS.

Committee members must agree to work as part of a team, and to agree to tasks arrived at by group agreement
or consensus.

Membership in the committee and all subcommittees shall be open to all members of OS

Section B. Meetings – Committee and Subcommittees

Meetings of the committee and subcommittees shall be held weekly, or as needed and scheduled and publicized to all members at least three workdays in advance of the meeting. Locations of the meetings shall be rotated amongst various sites in order to promote maximum participation of members.
In addition, and as dictated by events which necessitate their convening, meetings may occur on an emergency basis.

ARTICLE III: Subcommittees
Section A. There shall be within the Outreach Committee the following subcommittees including but not limited to:
2) Youth and Students: The purpose of this committee is to organize and coordinate with youth and students. This includes high school and colleges.
3) Labor Unions: The purpose of this committee is to reach out to, and coordinate with, labor unions and central labor committees at the local, state and national level.
4) Community Organizations: The purpose of this committee is to organize and coordinate with the diverse group of local community organizations in Sacramento.

5) Interfaith Organizations the purpose of this committee is organize and coordinate with the interfaith community.
6). Other subcommittees shall be formed as needed.

ARTICLE IV: Amendments

Section A. The Outreach committee Procedures and Guidelines may be amended by the Outreach Committee.
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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2024 10:05 am

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