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1-18-12 Wed GA Minutes 6-7:15 pm at City Hall Steps.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2024 10:57 am
by Sea
1-18-12 Wed GA Minutes 6-7:15 pm at City Hall Steps.
-Attendees: Tiffany/Dave (facilitators), Robert (stack), Sea (note taker), Darcey, Eduardo, Kim, Randy, John, Alonzo, Dennis, Kathy, Shanti, Fago, Brian, Ray, Dick, Joe, Cat, Sarah, Ellen, Brother Carter, and others.
-Every Wed will be NVC or Facilitation meeting after GA.
-Fago. Alex Leach teaches NVC every other Sat at 1, next is Jan 28.
-Dave. Rain coming so we can meet in the "rain protected area" (big long building overhang) at new City Hall building, directly behind old hall steps where we are meeting here now.
-Sarah. There are other protected places like parking garages.
Food, Logistics, City Hall Sit-In.
-Fago. Painted cart at City Hall they tried to stop us. Cart and trailer (Nate covered it) at Merin's place needs to be moved by 8:30am during day. Better place is needed. We fed people at MLK. Shanti helped carry Occupy Sac sign to park today. People should come and stay with full-timer sitters and show some love like Ryan who stayed over night. Need umbrellas for rain. We have a camera.
-Kim and BCarter are getting food, Kim brought food tonight. There's extra squash and oranges from FNBs in her car. "Mini" march held with Kim last Fri to Old Sac. Security there liked our handouts. The cop Leon is friendly.
-Joe needs a container and place to put it, large enough for blankets and stuff so they are handy when we need them.
-Brian said we should challenge police if they say no umbrellas because we have power in numbers. He tried to cheer us up, feels frustration, going to San Francisco.
-Fago. Need to control smoking. Pot smokers go around corner, Tiffany said hard to control. -Ray said Santa Rosa has a smoking area and they enforce it strictly.
-Randy said law says 20 ft perimeter.
-Sea. No smoking in area, people don't like breathing smoke, will make motion next Sat or Wed to make a decision, and that no smoking was the "rule" in October for Osac with police citing smokers in the park.
-Kathy, Thu Jan 19 meet 11 am César Chavez march to Atty General Harris at 14th and I., present letter, hold press conference, and Moveon will join at 12.
-Kim is gearing up to make better internal communications, and wants people to talk to her about it.
Resolutions and Bylaws).
-Darcey proposes adoption of guidelines for formal decisions. He'll post in Forum OCCUPYSAC.COM/SPEAK, on line, and with paper copies at City Hall by Fri.
Political Slate Disclosures - Citizen's United.
-Randy. SB1148 is bill to force political groups to disclose who pays for mailers, ads and "slate" endorsements. It'll be heard in Rm 4203 at 10am on Fri Jan 20.
We're here to fight,
Day and night,
For our basic,
Human rights.