Saturday October 29, 2024 General assembly 5:45PM
Facilitator: Christina Kay
Co-facilitator: Jowl
Minutes: Matthew Darcey
Stack: ?
Crowd control- Chris
Announcements were issued All throughout the GA
Christina K. Starts explains her position as mediator/co facilitator
Explains hand signals, basic rules, a timer,
Committee Report Backs
Media team- Chris
Today did a hip-hop video, changing live stream priority to a more professional system, focusing on events
Got the zombie march, spreading the word to the other occupations, Denver got raided today, talks about getting that type of information out, more professional image
Fahgo food service coordinator
Talks about problem of food. More food coming in, talks about the problem of not having consistent meals, hopes for an abundance of foods, so people can have more servings
Tiffany Clark, NVC Com:
Wants to talk of setting up a booth/front desk, talks about her teach-ins and how they will continue, collecting names, about a week old, Wants to make a decent set of bylaws, rules of the committees
Rob- Scheduling
Says he sorry about issues with despairing?
scheduling.occupysacto@gmail send a message to him for details
Non-committee guy - talks about the night march being polite
Angie with peacekeeping committee
Talks about problems, graffiti in bathroom, removal of a sex offenders?, booze in the trash can, Calls for the need of medical procedures, no police assistance for the march, stressing her position as a volunteer, talks about marching procedures, and the police response of threatening to use tear gas and the possibility of using stronger force, if marching on the capital without a permit. A Need to work with police.
Angie is on the peacekeepers committee and has a guard card
Crowd member: called for a tent
Russell - internet logistics
It’s gotten off the ground, had meetings, very important meeting at 7am, social media, problems with Facebook interactions. Give your ideas and opinions, show up

Emergency 7pm meeting
Kandy?Kim? Holding a teach-in for sexual violence and abuse, domestic violence coalition of California
2pm Sunday 2-4
Rickey - a get well card for Scott Olson who was hurt in Oakland.
Stephanie visitor from SF- invites us to know about and support non-violence disobedience action, prisoner hunger strikers
In and out of sac, talks about a group that has been tortured and charged with misdemeanors, talks about the court date
Ralph-e - new to the March committee, show up early, or for any period of time 8pm zombie march, beautiful thing, free makeup and face painters, Makes a call for volunteers, come on out, we appreciate it.
Kimberly (not Kim S.) - “standing up for the homeless”, talks about the mistreatment of the homeless, talks about sanitation issues with food, she loves the movement, calls for support,
Donate for everyone not just occupy participants but for everyone, god with you guys, there’s not a lot of food, but there a lot of food right, you guys want to, please please don’t stand on the little guy, trying to keep them calm, talks about the hungry and the danger, respect the park and its history with/of the homeless.
Side conversation between two men on stage. “she talking for all of us and that ain't right”
Fago, addressing- the rights, talks about the ticket system, try’s to feed everyone, can’t always catch everyone but is trying to feed everyone, Getting people involved, there not yet enough food to go around yet. Says if things go the way they are 2 weeks everyone can be feed
Jowl - if you march near the capital you will get arrested, says the peacekeepers want you to follow that
Tiffany - bring to our attention, welcoming people, she has some ideas, and talks a motion today coming up on that, and talks about the intent. To form a work-group for welcoming people And a sheet for each committee, systems, wants to talk about ideas, committees need help,
Angie: sticks longer than 18 inches will be considered a weapon,
Matt - March around the capital but not on, solitary with occupy Oakland general strike, against police brutality and such,
Sean: tarp with 1st amendment,
???: shut down your accounts for banks : REMEBER REMBER THE 5th of November
Christina, talks about stacks and crowd control
C: yesterday motion now part of the agenda
Reads petition/ Details currently unavailable
MOTIONS AND Proposals??
Explains the amendments of yesterday, including legal link/info
PASSES THE NYCGA MODEL for today's meeting! vote: all votes positive, no opposed
CHRIS - last night at the end of the daily occupation, talks about the issues of the individuals, not calling the shots, but talks about the work, hours and effort people put in,
Wants to make sure everyone is involved, talks about leaders, addressing someone and acknowledging them as a leader is giving away yours, time put in doesn't make you a leader
Need to be here to have a full comprehensions, streamlining GA process, FIND PEOPLE, establish work-groups, your voices are important, communicate and beware the egocentrics
talks about the issues of technology and the disconnect, from your fellow man and the need for building a community, smart and well put together proposals
People’s resolution committee, highlight the online community, very intelligence people, turning away their own self-interests for this movement, don't want to take away power
but would like people to put forth well-articulated ideas and proposals, talk to people and leave personal issues out of the GA, we need to learn to deal
With a difficult situation, if you’re concerned about something get involved with them. you can be a leader in your life.
Asks for questions
Russell- asks people to express opinions, make yourself a pest if you have to, I know it sounds weird, if you feel your being turned away, keep coming, you will eventually be accepted?
There is a training video, if you’re feeling overworked step back ask for help from people not doing anything.
Questions from crowd-
Matt- says not a core member, what I do want to make a point, people who identify, come out at different times, talks about the unfairness of asking a certain group of people,
Sacrificing their lives, jobs rent, 18 hours a day. They miss out on more than leno, burn out is a danger, running people down through too much effort with do few,
Streamline the process, to get more people engaged. Integrate with them help them; it’s a marathon not a sprint.
March committee guy - talks about sacrifice, we need to do something because this country; is going down the wrong road,
We need to find a way to come together, its hard work organizing, we need to be respectful of the process and move forward, take the time and volunteer.
Item #1 Motion
JOWEL- proposed that all committees and work groups draw bylaws by November 5th.
Vote on 2 Parts:
1st Part: Only 2 against; motion passed
2nd Part: Only 1 against; motion passed
Item #2 Motion
Blocked then was motion was WITHDRAWN.
Item #3 Motion
not talking or forming dialogue with city council or affiliates, or the mayor unless its at the park between the hours of 11pm and 5am Saturday "OFFICAL or as a group; as a movement"
Tiffany - MAJOR concerns about the motion, concerned, worried it might eliminate a true dialogue, there is federal lawsuit pending, Might interfere with the LEGAL teams ability to work and meet.,
Some People voice that it would not interfere with legal teams and the timing of their work.
Jowl makes a point and talks about the future, of this strategy,
Business Over
A – SEAN T. occupy Houston being raided right now 6:40
6:45 Meeting adjourned