Minutes from General Assembly Sun. 12/18/11

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Minutes from General Assembly Sun. 12/18/11

Postby niki » Mon Dec 19, 2023 8:29 pm

Old City Hall Lawn
6:30pm 12/18/11

Facilitator: Tiffany
Stack: Kern
Minutes: Niki
Crowd Facilitator:none
Live Stream: none

I. Intro
Everyone's name shared, no first timers.

II. Committee and Working Group Report Backs

Autumn/Media- Meeting to plan OS Podcast Wed 12/21 after GA. Come if interested!

Sean T./Legal- 111 arrests in the OS movement so far, 0 convictions, 0 plea deals

Autumn/Education- Plan to bakesale during most large events. Human RIghts Day bakesale fundraised $108 for education!!!

Tiffany/Coordination- Meeting Mon 12/19 7pm (after GA) 1 liason from any working group or committee welcome!

Tiffany/Non Violent Communication and Facilitation- No teach ins or meetings until 2012

III. No Old Business

IV. New Business
Autumn motioned to have any OS speeches for official press releases at events to be run through the GA for approval OR be shared with 12 people to gain support for it's contents prior to release in order to aviod serious alienation of other OSers. (see Forum for more info and to weigh in)
Tiffany calls for Temp Check on agendizing: 2 with lukewarm support give full support after brief clarifications by motioner, Autumn.
Motion agendized for Wed. 12/21, with 8 in favor, 0 opposed.

V. Announcements

Autumn- Political Comedy podcast upcoming

Kern- mini march 12pm 12/19

Autumn- Local charitable organization (name TBA) will be helping out with OccuMas food 24th, 25th

Niki- Possibility of Forum on constitutionality of City Ordinances prohibiting occupation. Legal aspects from all sides invited. City officials enforcing ordinances invited. Public invited. Ideas? Suggestions?
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Re: Minutes from General Assembly Sun. 12/18/11

Postby redslider » Tue Dec 20, 2023 11:47 am

I have posted an objection to Autumn's motion on press releases (new business, IV) and requested that Autumn withdraw her motion (which she does not appear to want to do). I request that Autumn's motion be tabled, indefinitely, to provide us with the opportunity to discuss our differences (if she wishes) and see if we can come to some mutually acceptable resolution. If that is not possible, I respectfully request that the facilitator handling the motion read my objections & discussion I have posted at viewtopic.php?f=10&t=183 ("Autumn's 12-18-11 motion RE press releases" before a vote is taken on the matter (sorry, I am unable to be at the park.)

Red Slider
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Re: teach-in on Constitutional issues

Postby redslider » Tue Dec 20, 2023 12:12 pm

Much endorse the idea of some sessions on Constitutional issues and our rights to assemble. Hoping Mark Merin, Cathleen Williams and others from our legal teams and law schools can be on hand to enlighten us.

for your interest, I did do a couple of papers touching on these matters. They are not about on-the-ground issues and realities of the current legal battles, but raise questions about how our legal system and Constitutional rights have been circumvented and corrupted by the 1% and what might need to be done about that in the future (after Occupy has done its job and the 1% have been removed from controlling our courts).

"Bad Law & The Constitution: Assembling when the right to assemble has been abridged"
http://www.supportows.org/redslider/occ ... s/bad-law/

and this one, which reviews how the plaintiffs claims to control the "time, place and manner" of lawful, Constitutionally protected assemblies is used, unquestioned, by the mainstream press to aid and abet the circumvention of our Constitution:

http://www.supportows.org/redslider/sac ... editorial/
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