Occupy Sacramento General Assembly Minutes Day 71
Thursday, December 15, 2024
Location: Cesar Chavez Plaza
Facilitator: Tiffany
Stack: Fago
Minutes: Matt Darcey
Crowd Facilitator: None
Livestream: None
I. Introduction
1.1 None Required
II. Committee/ Working Group Reportbacks
Kirk - Youth Outreach WG
-Finals are over, We are planting the seeds that will bloom in springtime
Fago - Food
We have the equipment, we have the food, we need the people to justify setting up.
Need more active people getting involved with food to keep a tent up and make it worth it.
Hopes to get lunch out, or possible prepare/cook the food nearby.
Would love to get help and idea's on food.
Tiffany NVC- Facilitation WG
NVC meetings will be on Sat @ 4-5pm
Facilitation meetings will be on sat @ 3-4pm
David is going to be Facilitating on Saturday.
Coordination meeting Friday @ 7pm near the park, but not at the park
(UPDATE standard location not available, subject to change of place and time)
III. Old Business - No old business
IV. New Business - No new business
V. Guest Speakers - No guest speakers
VI. Announcements
Kirk - Green Energy Options
-Bike Power - 1 Month ETA
--Need LED lights for the bike, wants to make the bike look really cool/attention grabbing.
--needs peddlers
--needs diagrams for power distribution systems relating to batteries, etc.
-Solar Power - Have a panel
--30 Watt Panel, have 2 inverters and (1 converter?)
--needs some more help and equipment to get it to become useful
-Wind Power - will only be able to power a cell phone battery
-Explains a little bit of the process of how the bike will generate energy by being suspended on/at a platform and will power the led/charge batteries., mostly for show, says it will not run the camp, because of the need for more than one bike and the cost/time to build one.
-Fago adds that it is VERY BAD for the batteries when you put them on the ground directly, can cause damage to the battery
-Kirk continues on the bike, staying that his brother and himself plan to make a you-tube video on the process and after manufacturing one of the bikes as a prototype they will help others build more, or allow outside help on future bikes.
Peg - general comments about her family and conservatives??
Fago - tons of leaflets are coming in. (not sure on which topic, but regardless should help spread information)
Tiffany - Change of GA times/dates will be proposed soon, hope is change the GA to twice a week, still working out the details, but Wednesday at 6pm and Saturday at 2 or 4pm seem to be the most popular idea's. Says its important so that more focus can be put on activities
--Gary-- commented that successful GA's in other occupies, have about 3 a week.
--Fago-- says its hard to come up with content for reportbacks because they're everyday.
Tiffany says "this is a Marathon not a sprint" highlighting the need for a steady process, (quality over quantity?)
Kirk- Must build/spin/make a message the press about changes so they won't be taken out of context
Gary - Be cautious about your privacy
Sacramento Underground Media
night light blog .com??? (can't find link)
S&R article, has a chance about every 2 weeks to help write a story in the written media.
be careful using your androids and I-Phones dude to government/private spying software built in. also a software program called (carrier IQ) can be dangerous to your privacy.
Useful tips to avoid internet censorship via http://hidemyass.com/
Kirk- We Do not Promote or support crime of any kind. We are fed up with the system and want a change.
VII. Adjournment + Chant
The people United will Never be defeated.
The people United will Never be defeated!!!
The people United will Never be defeated!!!
VIII. Soapbox - see Announcements