OccupySacramento General Assembly Minutes – DAY 63
Wednesday, December 7, 2024 5:50 p.m. PST
Location: Cesar Chavez Plaza
Facilitator: Tiffany
Stack Taker: Kim
Minutes: Michele
OS = OccupySacramento
F = Facilitator
P = Proposer
R = Reporter (for report back from committee or working group)
PoP = Point of Process
PoI = Point of Information
CQ = Clarifying Question
1. Facilitation
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Introductions
1.3 Explanation of Hand Signals
1.4 Introduction of Agenda - report backs, old business, new business, announcements, chant, adjournment, soapbox
2. Report Backs
2.1 Brother Carter – March Committee
Yesterday we had a march to stop foreclosures. We went to DOJ and to B of A. The turnout was good and the march was effective in both places we went to. We got our message across so deeply, especially with the Attorney General, that she announced today that she’s starting an investigation of the banks. So a small drip makes a big puddle. Everybody needs to come out and support our marches so we can continue to be effective.
PoI: Great march – well put together.
2.2 Brother Carter - Urban Outreach Committee
Tonight is the First Amendment party at 11:00 p.m. Those who want to come should probably be prepared to spend several hours, probably until tomorrow morning. As many as want to, please join us.
December 10 is Universal Declaration of Human Rights Day. Everyone should come out here and participate. Cindy Sheehan will be speaking. As part of the events, we will be marching to the jail to protest.
December 15 is Bill of Rights march to the Capitol. I got the permit today, so there will be no risk of arrests. Be at the park at 11:00 a.m. and the march will start at 11:30 a.m. Start to make new signs and banners on the topic. I can get you materials.
PoI: You can go to the 99 cents store and get foam board. I’m donating some to OS.
R: Need to put information on banners re SB1867.
(GA discussion regarding National Defense Authorization Act of 2012)
R: We want to make sure Occupiers are out that day. People are getting the wrong idea about Occupy. It is about the First Amendment and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Tonight we had a newsperson asking about yesterday’s march. We need to start making banners for Saturday – we need people to see what we’re doing. Come out on the march even if you don’t have a sign or banner, though. We’ll also be promoting our next event with flyers.
2.3 Sean Laney – Education Committee
The biggest issue is fundraising. A lot of people like Greg Adams and me and others are putting in a lot of our own money. We need to do fundraising – someone suggested having regular bake sales. The t-shirts aren’t working very well as is, but I’m getting a new shirt person. We can’t use the existing design. We need someone to do a new design. If anyone is a graphic artist and can make a commitment to get it done, that would be great. The Education Committee is wearing out – our time and our money. We are doing all the heavy lifting, but there is not a lot of effort toward supporting us. We need support for media and Livestream and education. A lot of people are spending their own money and not getting it back. People good at this need to start a donations working group. Please, someone step in! I want to focus on the teach-ins as part of Education. Please volunteer. I’m also putting out a call for a Volunteer Working Group. We need volunteers and people getting things done. The coordinating working group is doing some of this but can’t do it all. We need people to put their arms, hearts, brains, and money into Occupy.
F: What can people do to help?
R: Form a Volunteer Coordination Working Group. Form a Fundraising Working Group.
It is not a reasonable burden for one person to bear all of this on their back.
Realize that Greg is loading heavy boxes every morning – we need people to help him.
F: To form a working group, just find two like-minded people and announce your group at a GA.
R: We will support you if you start these groups!
PoI: Is there any progress on nonprofit status for OS?
R: I’ve been overscheduled because of fundraising. I’ve been waiting to make an appointment with the attorney who will do that for us for free. I can’t get that done unless other people start stepping up.
2.4 Darrell – Finance Working Group
There is about $600 in our two accounts combined. We can pay for ClearWire and some other expenses for the current month.
3. Old Business – None.
4. New Business
4.1 The Occupy the Airwaves Working Group – Sue Wilson (suewilsonreports@gmail.com), Sean Laney & Autumn Safron-Morales
Proposal introduced as emergency motion by Sean Laney:
MOTION: That OS endorse and join in the following action: Monday, December 12, 10:30 a.m. – protest Clear Channel for killing 92.5 FM soft rock and simulcasting KFBK (Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.) This means there are four right-wing stations bashing Occupiers. We demand our First Amendment rights be honored so we can have our views heard on our public airwaves. Public airwaves are public property. Also, we will inspect the public files all afternoon Monday. Los Angeles and New Orleans and other cities will join us. We need equal time on radio. We should have our own shows. And we need to understand public airwaves are public property we need to Occupy. And let Clear Channel know we own the airwaves – the corporation does not.
P: This is an alternative action for those not going to the port action in San Francisco. This is media consolidation being done in preparation for an election year and it will have an effect.
Temp check regarding considering as emergency motion – consensus.
Vote regarding considering as emergency motion – 11 for and 0 against (of those in attendance).
One online objection, asking that motion be tabled until tomorrow.
F: Please ask what the rationale for the objection is. We don’t officially count Livestream votes, but we want to address their concerns. Is there a reason, like that person really wants to be here to participate?
Sean: Unless there is a good reason to delay, we need time to coordinate this.
Ricky: On livestream, one person wants a delay and five don’t.
Sean: We should remember that this action is taking place whether or not OS endorses it. How many people are normally at Thursday GAs versus tonight?
F: A lot less, because a lot of people are at the coordinating committee meeting. We only need 2/3 majority, we only count votes in attendance, and we have heard the concerns of the Livestream objector, so the vote carries.
MOTION (to consider this as emergency motion tonight) PASSED.
Temp check regarding substance of motion – consensus.
Vote: 10 for, 0 against.
4.2 Occupy the Courts Working Group for Parental Rights, Children’s Rights – Bob Saunders, Brother Carter, The Rev.
Proposal introduced as emergency motion by Bob Saunders:
MOTION: Asking OS to join in a Parental Right and Children’s Rights Rally/March at 720 9th Street, Sacramento Superior Court, on Friday, December 9, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. March/rally, protest signs, flyers (literature). We’re fighting a corrupt, corporate entity and we will need to fight to change the dynamics involved to change the existing damage to families (parents) and children. Family courts kidnap and traffic in children for money. We need to bring attention to another corporate-type entity and protect our families/children and present our children from going through the same thing in the future.
F: He feels this is an emergency motion because the march is this Friday.
Temp check regarding hearing the motion as an emergency – consensus.
Vote regarding considering as emergency motion – 9 for and 0 against.
MOTION (to consider proposal as emergency motion) PASSED.
Temp check regarding substance of motion - consensus.
Vote: 8 for, 0 against.
5. Announcements
5.1 Laura: On next Tuesday, the City Council will hold a hearing about partly funding a private arena with public money. I will put out a flyer about it. Then the City Council takes a two-week recess.
5.2 (Name?): The Christmas Parade is Saturday and supercedes free parking. It is coming down I Street at the same time as our event.
5.3 Peter Clark: Please remember the march tomorrow to the YMCA at 12:30 p.m. We will gather here at 12 p.m. and there will be cars to take you there. My wonderful girl is making sandwiches for you.
5.4 Rich: We have a problem with outsiders coming in and stealing from Occupy. Be aware.
5.5 Kim: I have been doing teach-ins on women’s issues on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 2 p.m. I’ve kind of resigned that. I’m hoping someone will come down this Sunday to hold it. Please volunteer – I’ll be here to join, but I need someone to lead it.
6. Chant: The people united will never be divided! (louder) The people united will never be divided!! (louder) The people united will never be divided!!!
Adjournment – 6:45 p.m. Next GA is tomorrow at 5:30 p.m.