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Occupy Sacramento General Assembly
I. Introduction
II. Anouncements.
III. Agenda (old business to be voted on)
IV. Motions (new business for the agenda)
V. Comittee Reports
Facilitators List
Moderator: Sarah Beth
Minutes: Christina Kay
Stack: David
Poll: Sean and Cesar
Discussion for Robert Rules will be on Saturday on how we moderate these meetings in the
No new proposals brought up tonight, can not be voted on tonight. They will be added on
tomorrow’s agenda. We’ve decided that 2/3 of the people who vote will determine the
decision for the body.
People Agree.
We have visitors from city council. People’s mic welcomes city council.
People ask them to join us.
Mediator: Anyone who has been arrested, legal team needs to speak with you. We need
copies of your court paperwork for every arrest. The first court date is one week away. If
you are one of those people or you know one of those people please come see Sara Beth
afterwards. You can also email
Mary with Information Committee: Mary is looking for a volunteer to help with the info
desk. There are a number of fliers coming in and we need to make sure people get the best
information volunteer. One Volunteer comes forward.
Joel Community Outreach Committee: Trying to work on the community, and bringing
more people in. Posted on google page starting a community building event for food,
music, and spreading information. We do not want to scare people away, and take less
pressure off of them. He will bring his information to the GA on Friday, to vote on this on
October 20, 2024
Greg with Education: Tomorrow a teacher from Mc Clatchy is bringing a movie called
“Inconvenient Truth”, as well as speakers. 6:30PM.
Russell with Internet Logistics: Russell is asking for help with internet logistics.
Someone who can step up and take some responsibility. Internet logistics is in charge is
making sure that we effectively communicate online.
People’s Mic invites council member Cohn to come speak with us.
People believe he couldn’t hear the assembly.
People’s Mic invites council member Cohn to come speak with us.
District 3 Steve Cohn Speaks
I am just here for a few minutes tonight and hopefully coming back tomorrow. Hopefully
the mayor will come by tomorrow. I think he’s trying to work it out. He did say last night
that he would come by either today tomorrow or sometime this week to basically, he, uh,
I’m not a spokesman for the mayor I only speak for myself. I would like to see a dialogue.
The mayor has a lot more charisma than I do (comment: we don’t think so), he could help I
think move things and I think he is uh, willing to come here and talk. That’s all he
committed to right now but that’s a good start. I know there was a disappointment last night
with the fact that we did not get any outcome in terms of moving things forward on the
camping exception, uhm, I’m not going to say anything to try and defend that you were at
the meeting you heard what occurred what I would like to see is, uh, lets at least start that
dialogue. I am happy to come back and join that dialogue with The Mayor, uh, we’re, uh.
I know the focus is, uh, right now the issue is to be able to, uh, spend 24/7 here at the park
and we get that it’s the number one things folks are asking for. I think what you hear from
The Mayor is ok. I think im taking that in. What other things would you like to talk about.?
Its not something you shouldn’t be asking, just make sure we have dialogue about a
number things. Our community and in the country and in the world. Ill come back, I know
uh, you’ll be here for awhile, cause I don’t see the problems going away over night. So uh,
I looked forward to continue dialog next week. Alright, thank you.
Mediator: More announcements on stack.
Karen: Speaking on the establishment of a resolution committee. She requests people to
join her to join the committee.
Zane: What is the purpose?
Karen: Word, Craft, research, and assists.
Paul: Would like to draft a resolution with city council.
Karen: Agrees.
Russell: Suggests taking excellent minutes of these meetings.
Karen: Will take it under advisement.
Mediator: Brother Carter has brought someone to speak. Can we let him speak?
People: Agree
Josef: Requests to speak later.
October 20, 2024
Maker of the motion isn’t here.
Sean: As a guy who loves women, I supports women, and wants to keep it.
Did not pass.
Earl: If there is anyone who can speak to this motion?
Christina Kay: Explains minutes from last week.
Joel: It’s on hold until Saturday.
Passes to Saturday.
Passes to Saturday.
Passes to Saturday.
Steve: Asking for a slight modification. Time at city hall went fast. We should give
people two minutes.
Christina Kay: Agreed to amend it to two minutes, with 5 or more, 1 minute. Place in
use for Thursday and Friday, then revote on Saturday.
Ted: We are always running over time. We should limit the amount of motions at the
General Assembly. To about 5.
Mediator: This should be brought up as new business at the next GA.
Earl: For the motion, however, I think that there is something in place for long
Sean: Motion to Amend an additional 4 minutes for those who have a disability.
Christina Kay: Agrees
Mediator: Calls for vote.
27 Yay
1 Nay
Motion carries
October 20, 2024
FIRST Motion: To collect $200 dollars to help release the dog.
Judah with Free Cujo: Introduction. Ben. Kugo is a dog that was maced and taken to the
shelter. A female police officer was searching the empty tent and the dog was in front of the
tent. The officer was bit. The dog was tied up securely. They are debating to put the dog
POI by C. Kay: No livestream or media available on the incident. People agreed note to
vote on finances/donations until Saturday.
Judah: If we could pull together. I’ve been starving for 13 days.
Minutes: Could I get a clarification of your motion please?
Judah: I do not have a motion.
Mediator: I understand there is a $200 fine to release the dog. If someone brings the
money, we could do that. If you are moving that, we could add that.
Judah: I don’t know what the means
Mediator: You say we would like to do this, and we vote on it tomorrow.
Judah: We should do this now.
Mediator: No motions that can be brought to body can be voted on tonight.. (Judah
Judah: I don’t give a fuck about the will of this body, we (mumbled).
Judah storms off.
Mediator: Re-demonstrates point of process.
POI Cesar: I have information regarding the animals location.
POI Ukn.: Can we vote to add it to the agenda?
Minutes: No, We voted that no finances will be discussed until the committee is
POI Chris: The owner is responsible. They were not at the GA. It sucks this happened.
we have enough of our own financial problems. We have more to focus on than bailing out
a dog.
POI Bethanie: Owner of the dog got to visit dog. She wasn’t allowed to pet the dog, it still
had mace on its face.
POI Cesar: Its unfortunate with what happened to the dog. If people would like to donate
out of their own pocket and help, ask about it and see what you can do. OK?
SECOND Motion: Remove tents from premise.
TED: The councilmen wants to make it look good. The council probably wouldn’t mind
the three large structures that we have. They don’t like the four or five civilian tents.
Removing these tents would be good for us. If we had tent structures up 24/7, all we are
going to get are people sleeping around here. I went around while we were here, a and
someone left two dogs in the tent. We have beds at home.
October 20, 2024
Carries to Saturday.
THIRD Motion:
Lori: The Mayor might be asking up to compromise on something related to staying in the
park. She has a quick role play that has to do with compromise and balance. Its for an
understanding of when compromise might be a workable thing.
Mediator: It does not need to be a motion, it can be scheduled as a teach in.
FOUTH Sean Urgent Motion: Occupation issues an official apology to Valdez.
Sean: Ashby mentioned the dog that got a lot of people fired up. After we got back, some
people were talking about the dog incident and talking about the Officer who was bitten. I
saw the bite and it was pretty bad. After that SGT Valdez, who has been accommodating,
tried to set them straight, and they started a negative chant about Valdez. He wants to issue
an apology, and let him know that is not who we are.
Carries to Thursday
People apologize to Officer Valdez & Agree.
Ukn: Was it a legal search?
Sean: I have the legal information regarding this incident. There is no proof she was
searching the tent. She walked up to the dog. They are allowed to walk up to dog
unattended to see if the dog has tags.
Unk: Was the dog on a leash?
Sean: Yes, would you Like Valdez to speak?
Officer Valdez Speaks:
My understanding is from talking to several Officers who were there last night, and some
of the people who were standing around is the table close to the street. The Officer Bitten
was walking around taking pictures of the park. There has been some vandalism occurring
and there were trenches cut into the ground because of the rain. She turned and saw the dog
about 5 feet away. The dog was on top of the table unattended. The owner was at the mall
getting something at the store. The dog was tied up to a string with an unknown need
length. She said hello to the dog, and the dog, as she turned away, jumped off the table, in
one bound, touched the ground, latched onto her leg, and clammed down. She tripped over
a shovel, and fell to the ground with the dog. Other officers were about 15 away rushed
over. At that point the dog released, and returned to the table. The officers held the dog at
bay. It approached another Officer, and they maced the dog while it was on the table. I
October 20, 2024
think thats a fairly accurate depiction. Ive heard a lot of variations of that from the crowd
who has passed it on, and passed it on.
Ben: How does this effect the people who are here?What happened? Does it make us
look bad?
Valdez: The dog was incarcerated by animal control and is being tested for rabies and
temperment. The owner of the dog is around today. This is standard protocol.
POI Joel: In response to Ben, it gave the council an opportunity to attack us. It gave them
the ability to mention that we were not peaceful and there was an injury.
Officer Valdez: We have incidents go on around the city, a dog bite is not uncommon.
Sometimes dogs are shot when they attack us. I think part of this is, It’s just another day in
the life of a Police Officer. The bad attention comes from the dissemination of information
and how it gets distorted, whether its here or through the media.
Ben: Rule of thumb you: don’t get near a dog that gets chained up.
POI Officer: It’s a public park.
Christina Kay: To Valdez Can you tell us about leash laws, graffiti, and modifications to
the park?
Officer Valdez: Dogs on a leash have to be on a length with a maximum of 6 feet. You
have to be able to control the dog on the tether. Meaning a dog wandering around walking
itself isn’t good. The owner has to be able to control the leash, which means in their
custody. This doesn’t mean tied up, and then walking away to the mall. In a public park you
have to clean up after your animal when its going to the bathroom. Vandalism means
defacing the park. Chalk could be offensive, as you can see it is on the Cesar Chavez
Statue. It looks like children may have done that, and we should keep an eye on these
things. The business in the park (Soleil) has very graciously left the doors open for the
restroom. Thats for your benefit. They expect respect and responsibility for taking care of it
if they do that. In return, they don’t want to come to work every day and see a bunch of
excrement outside of their business.
Minutes: Could you address the trenches?
Officer Valdez: The park department comes out and... it doesn’t seem like they have been
out as they usually do. When I work early in the morning, they clean up, and mow the
lawn. It needs to be well maintained . When they can’t get in, it should be that way. Suds in
the fountain, I don’t know where that is from. It is bad.
People Agree
October 20, 2024
Mediator Opens Stack:
Minutes: To be clear. Drinking, drugs, graffiti, park modifications, smoking, drinking, and
doing drugs in the park is unlawful?
Officer Valdez: Correct.
Ken: To Officer Valdez Has the mace been washed off the dogs face?
Officer Valdez: It is not verified. I have not had contact with the dog.
Lori: Is it possible for the police department to put out a media statement basically
describing us as peaceful generally?
Officer Valdez: That would be done through the office of the chief. They have a press
officer that would release. Everything goes through their office and sent out to the media
wide spread. It’s the medias choice to do their investigation or use the information based
off the police.
Minutes Explains minutes from City Hall, and the Polices positive affirmation about the
FIFTH Motion: Submit a petition to City Hall petitioning to overturn City Halls
Motion: Sign the petition and submit it to City Hall.
Sean: Can we overturn park order by petition?
POI: Can it be published electronically on the website?
Mediator: Address the media team.
Adrian: Why are we trying to work with them?
Sean: To kill them with kindness. Flood them with finances.
Adrian: Why are we trying to kill them kindness?
Mediator: Please discuss this later.
Adrian: Do you feel this undermines our legitimacy of a movement?
Carries to Thursday
Speaker from Nation of Islam, Brother Yousef. Delivers Speech.
SIXTH Motion: Is to add an open discussion and special speakers to the GA.
Russel: Would like to add forum to GA.
Mediator: Bylaws separate the Forum and GA.
Does not pass
Mediator: Recommends people go to the open forum, and should talk to people after
Speaker from Nation of Islam, Brother Yousef. Security Committee is
coming forward for a brief announcement, as she has to leave soon. Do the people mind
letting her speak?
People Agree
October 20, 2024
SIXTH Motion: To continue to have AICIO (sp?) to talk to the police in jail.
Bud with Sacramento Labor Council : He has been given permission to devote some
time to this project. People are not being treated well in jail. He got a hold of a friend at the
sheriff’s department to talk about it. He offered to give help. He will talk to officers in the
jail. He wants to make sure people are treated with mutual respect. If you want him to make
Motion Passes to Saturday
SEVENTH Motion: Have the sheriff come talk about being arrested.
Motion Passes to Saturday
EIGTH Motion: Help people transfer to credit unions.
Motion Passes to Saturday
October 20, 2024
V. Committee Reports:
ANGIE with SECURITY: Asking the public to report suspicious activity and disruptions
to security or logistics and inform them of what is going on. We are not here to serve the
police, we are here to support the volunteers.
Sean with Education: Needs volunteers for informal subject. What people would like to
learn, and generate interest & research. Looking for people interested in special projects.
Creative things to help the movement out. Occupy Confessions. Separation of Church and
Joel: As far as taking a survey, is that something we want to do on Saturday? When we
have a lot of people?
Sean: I will do it this week by Saturday.
Jenvy: Wants to discuss creative projects for occupy art.
CJ: I have a project.
They will meet later
Josh with Anti Oppression: Also education committee. The goal is to get folks working
together to try and understand ways in which oppression functions in our society. In doing
so we need to understand and undermine the system. One way to do that is get together and
have teach ins. If anyone s interested in doing that we have a group that has anti oppression
training. They will be held every Saturday.
Ari with Community Outreach: They have been passing out flyers at Los Rios and Sac
State. They are going to work on a light rail team. Listening to those who are passing out
flyers, and what they want to see from the movement. Will report later. Sent out liaisons to
Davis, brought back a few people with the help of media. Made contact with Oakland.
Strategy meeting tomorrow. TBA, online. If there is a phone number to put on the flyer that
would be amazing. For those with neurological disabilities. Also, keep full stack of flyers,
unlike today, so there is enough time to pass flyers to everyone all the time.
Cesar: Would like to add a flyer listing 7 demands, also from Wall St.
Minutes: Has this been approved by the body?
Mediator: It can be added to tomorrows New Business. We have not decided as a body to
adapt this. It has been released by OWS.
October 20, 2024