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Sunday October 23, 2024 General assembly 5:4PM
Facillitator: Christina Kay
Minutes: Scott Conroy
Stack: Anne Brackett, Grace ?
Christina: Asks if the body is okay with calling an emergency GA and approve the OWS model
Greg Adams: Questions, please explain OWS model
Christina: stackk personnel will be in crowd. Brother Carter will be watching Christina to keep
her from straying outside of the bounds of fair facillitation. Asks for emergency issues that were
ignored yesterday and cannot wait. Then asks for which committees have reports.
Stack for committees is now closed.
Arie (Community Outreach): in conjunctionwith Sean L from Education ??? has been contacted regarding
the zombie walk and street theatre. a light rail strategy meeting will folloing the GA
Sean Laney (Education): explainng Zombie Walk. need volunteers to dress busniness like (suits). Fake money
will be printed with economy facts to be thrown over their shoulders during the march for the
following zombies to pick up. march will start in Cesar Chavev park. he mentions zombie walk community in
Sac is large
teach ins and talkins etc have been growing. non-violent communication teachins are going very well. Sean is
complimenting Tiffany for her work with those. Re: scheduling of teach ins; please tell Greg about all
teach ins (and Mary too) so they can be aware of scheduling conflict
question re: makeup; come to Sean for specific questions
Christina: from Livesteam please use people's mic so online folks can hear announcements
Chris (Media): drafted a resolutuion to define media's responsibilities; this will also aid the formation
and by-laws of other committess. Reads resolution. (should be posted on forums, possibly in print as well)
Will have bylaws available for approval by the GA on Saturday.
Question asked if bylawas are for all commmittees. Chris replies that these are just for medai. all committees
should be drafting their own by-laws to be approved by GA
Christina and Russell are working on a system to store by-laws and other documents
Chris: other news; He and Arya visited Occupy SF; we are far more organized than they are at this point, despite
how it feels here. We also keep our grounds cleaner.
Brother Carter: tomorrow and tuesday, mid day march (noon) it is important to keep a continued presence in the city
wednesday is Farmer's market we will Occupy the four corners of the park doing outreach. first march is to Dept of Justice
then to k street mall. keep our presense known to work towards the next city council mtg. nov 5th will be the
nexct large march. a march committee will be formed to organized and relate info about the marches. Sac is the model
city for Occupation. We are close to the banking community where the "virus" is coming from. We're also near so many govt
offices.He urges as many people as possible to join marches. for mon tues marches come at 11 to get ready by noon.
comment from the assembly is that marches are excellent presence.
Christina; Sac Green Party just endorsed Occupy Sac
Kim and ???: talking about sexual assault issue; will have teachin on Oct 29th maybe at noon to educate people on
women's issues. fliers will be available after GA. please spread the word
Darrell (logistics): no meals are prepared tonight. there may be food, but food crew was given the night off. will break camp early today
as many hands as possible are necessary to load the truck.breakdown will happen around 930. addressing security committee
issues. introduces Angie and Chris? who are trained security personnell. security will start having daily
Angie (Security): reads security by-laws? mission stmt? proposes that security committee be approved by GA Had
teach in at 1 but was not well attended. security by-laws will be posted on site. more teachins will
follow. all members of security team were preeent at teachin
Christain: asking for new business to be taken to stack personnell.
demonstrates hand signals.
Karen: last sunday she asked for a resolutions and statemetns committee. she has had teadchins every day to
inform the body what such a committee does. from time to time Occupy Sac must make statements it is best for
a group of people to work on such resolutions or statments. moves to create committee. motion seconded. Stack formed
Sean Thompson: spent much time today watching OWS GAs online. we spend much more time on committee issues. they spend their
committee time on political, social issues relevant to the movement. he suggests that we not have committees to do
such work since the whole GA should be part of the process.
Karen: the processs does not need to take only one week. all members of the movement are welcome to join
Joel: supports the resolutions committee. the point of our being here is to solve the problem. the committee would serve
to document with these resolutiuon. the committee can help people clarify their own reasons for being here so that
they can be articulate when speaking about it. a year from now we could be meeting with other Occupy sites to discuess
these things
Jack: implicit in the OWS model is the creation of various standing committees. these committee deal with the central reason
for why we are here. he urges the committee to be approved. he suggests that the bylaws of the committee include a
directive to inform the GA what is being worked on so more people can participate.
Karne: resoultion ideas can come from indiviusls or from the GA, both ways can work
Darrel: supports the resolution committee. he has experienced people coming to info booth with half finished
ideas that the committee can help with. making it a good way to get more people involoved
Chris: media had bylaws to present becaose of Karen's teachins. people have concerns about control, but he explains
that this committee is not about control. his message is to get involved if you have concerns about how the
committee is to be used.
Greg: fully supports the resolutions committee. its about teaching the mechanics of creating resolutions
Sarah Lanning: in support of Karen's idea, but is against new committees
Sean Laney: supports motions. committee can help teach people to research and write their ideas.
Karen: closing stmt before vote, thanks the body for being here even after our trying last few days. people sometimes
mean something different than what they say. the listener may interpret it differently. the minutes taker can interpret it
another way. putting things in writing increases clarity. making it very beneficial to the movement.
Christina: does the body want to vote? yes. do we used 2/3 or OWS model? 2/3s
Aye: 35
Nay: 0
motion passes
Christina: is the body ok with people watching stream giving input? yes, the body wants to include online community
Tiffany: proposed non-violent communication committee. offers mediation between individuals or groups or outside persons
or groups. non-violent message framing. committee can be available to integrate non violent communication to the work
that committees are doing
no stack
Ayes: 32
Nays: 4
motion passes
ArieL first motion for affinity groups to be allowed to act on their own from general pool of idea pertinent to the OccupySac
movement. affinity groups are groups of closely related individuals who trust each other and act together. they would not
be reporting back to GA. allows more mobility and anonymity. pool of ideas would be agreed upon by the GA
stack opens
Darcy: speaks against motion. thinks it will lead to splinter groups.
Arie: the list would not be things that could lead to the movement being compromised. some things are legal to do, but
we don't necessarily want it to be known that we did them. some people simply want to remain anonymous.
Steve: concerned about some actions being conspiracy since since they are talked about earlier. he is satisfied that such
thinkgs are run through legal team
Sean Thompson: was not in favor, but thought about it and it now in favor. but, since the items on the list have been run
through legal then actions that are not on the list are not officially condoned. haveing the list public on the wwebsite protects us
Joel: is in favor, but wants a written resolution before a vote happens.
Autumn: supports Joel's view. some people are stuck here due to their duties. she doesn't see what the issue would be if the
list is created by GA
Greg: concerned with conspiracy. the list must be in existance before any vote happens.
Arie: agrees with the conspriacy concerns
ChristinaL asks for a second, Autumn seconds.
Chris: wants working group to create resolution then committee bylaws must be created then voted upon by GA
motion tabled until resloution created
Arie: 2nd motion. proposes that a safe space plus a complaint box in that safe space created for people that have felt
threatened by members of committees. counslors could be made available to talk to people to help them with these issue
??? pleas clarify "get rid of violators"
Arie: people that are damaging to the movement should be made to leave
Greg: thinks this should fall under the duties of non-violent communication committee.
stack opened
Richard: likes the idea almo thinks this is an issue for the nonviolent communication committee
Jeff: calling it counselling instead of peer resolution would require licensed conselors
??? thinks counselling should be required before ejections
Jack: likes the idea but resolution as is is not ready to boted on. also thinks that if someone feels threatened
that security should be involved
Sean Thompson: it is critical that counsellors be qualified.
Christian: asks for friendly amendments
Alex: friendsly amendment a qualifier that those presenting themselves as counsellors should be properly licensed
Jeff: wants resolution drafted before vote can happen
Jack: where harrassment goes to the level of making someone feel unsafe. a mechanism be created to create to go to security
and create an incident report
Frank: new motion to institute a two ribbon system to empower and educate those new to the movement. old member would
have a yellow ribbon who would be tasked to talk to those w/o ribbons to ask what they would like to learn about the
movement. if the answer does not satisfy the newcomer then they would be directed to a person with a red ribbom who
has been through a teachin regarding our history and purpsose of the movement. when the newcomer is satisfied then the
will be given a 20 minute action (could be anything that helps the movement or the camp) after completion the newcomer
would earn their yellow ribbon.
the body does not think this is an emergency issue. tabled until tomorrow. joel may speak about it tomorrow instead of frank
Ricky speaking for Redslider from livesteam: to establish a process workgroup to create foundational documents
Christina: workgroups do not need to come before GA until a committee is ready to be formed
Karen: please send the proposal to me to collaborate with redslider
Jack: new motion, regarding security (which was read by Angie earlier)
Joel: motion to require all existing committee should have bylaws in writing
Ricky: wonders what happens to committees who cannot get bylaws written by the deadline
to be voted upon tomorrow
Scott: brings Finance committee bylaws to vote
members have access to the occupy sacto bank account and is open to anyone etc. all bylaws are posted on the forum
Sean: motion to amend finance bylaws
Jack: proposal to employ General Accounting Principles asks finance for an amendment to the bylaws for transparency and a ledger
Sean: Finance committee is immediately necessary
Vote: 1 opposed
motion passes, by-laws approved. tentative date for next committee meeting is wednesday after GA.