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report backs
nvc: nothing much to report, teach in this sunday
facilitation: first teach in today!
chris will be at sf for the democratic cacuss
need more people to help out
wg: back friday
organizing actions for black friday
contact april to participate
best buy opens at midnight =((
old business:
there is none!
new business:
western services workers speaker here to promote relationship between OS
occupy DC is here to present a motion that he cannot be here in 3 days. mostly approved for motion without person in presence
approved with no dissent
proposing for peter clark: son had been made to fight by ymca staff member
propose to join in protest on 21st, 12:30pm to 2:30pm in front of the ymca
8 voted to speak on item as emergency, 1 vote agianst
chris: don’t know enough information to make a decision
ricky: not enough info, maybe not an officially supportable event
body wants to see some proof, suggested to bring back up later
bro carter: 12pm - 2:30 put america back to work rally
steven: occupy woodland: here to start relationship
tim: music group in sac, trying to get involved, spread info to younger generation, immortal technic on 26th. trying to organize event and fundraiser. asking for help on organizing.
anne: work with occupy elk grove. shout out!