Finance Committee Bylaws
Section 1: The name of this committee shall be the “Finance Committee”.
Section 2: The finance committee is organized exclusively for maintaining monetary funds, including but not limited to transparency of all Occupy Sacramento finances, executing approved expenditures, and collecting cash, check, or online money contributions.
Section 3: The finance committee shall have one representative at each Saturday General Assembly Meeting for a financial report to include total contributions, total cash on hand, and total spent since the last report.
Section 4: The finance committee shall collect and receive all Occupy Sacramento internal requests for money and resources. The finance committee is responsible for keeping record of each financial request proposed at each finance meeting. Upon these proposals, it is the finance committee’s responsibility to reach out to donors for the specific supplies. Only if we cannot receive the supplies first will the finance committee solicit monetary contributions.
Section 5: All expenditures over $100 must be submitted to the General Assemble for Approval. Expenditures below $100 shall be decided upon by the finance committee.
Section 6: All records of cash flow and monetary or resource proposals shall made public through the support of the Media Committee.
Section 7: Contributions will only be accepted as needed.
Section 1: Membership shall consist of the Finance Board Members who posses Occupy Sacramento Bank Account Access and any other Occupy Sacramento member who wishes to participate and vote with the finance committee.
Section 1: The date of the regular meetings shall be set by the Finance Board in conjunction with the Occupy Sacramento Scheduling committee who shall also set the time and place.
Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by a Finance Board Member.
Section 3: Notice. Notice of each meeting shall be given to the Occupy Sacramento Scheduling Committee (Doesn’t exist as of 2/17/2012 -Matt Darcey) or appropriate media person who can help advertise finance meetings. It is the goal of this group to act in a transparent manner and therefore it is this committees responsibility to make the meetings times and locations available.
Section 1: There shall be three equal elected Boardmembers. The Board is responsible for bank deposits, withdraws, and all items related to the bank as their names are on the Bank Account. The board receives no compensation.
Section 2: Board Meetings. At least one Boardmember is to be present at all finance committees and only Boardmembers can call special meetings in which case there must be at least 2 boardmembers present.
Section 3: Board Elections. Election of new Boardmembers or election of current Boardmembers to a second term can take place when a term limit is up or there is a vacancy.
Boardmembers will be elected by a majority vote of a Saturday General Assembly Meeting.
Section 4: Terms. All Board members shall serve 4 months, but are eligible for re-election.
Section 5: Quorum. A quorum must be attended by 100% percent of the Boardmembers before business can be transacted or motions made or passed.
Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended when necessary by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly. Proposed amendments must be proposed in New Business to General Assembly Meetings.
These Bylaws were approved at a Finance Committee Meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2024
Ratified by General Assembly Monday, October 23, 2024